*Brand new School only event for Key Stage 2 children* The Claire House Hero Hike 2024!

Celebrate the end of the school year, plan some outdoor learning with Forest Explorers and support your local children’s hospice by coming along to our first ever Hero Hike.

Walk 3k in Delamere Forest and get sponsored to help raise money for poorly children.

Entry is free and there is no minimum sponsorship.

Upon arrival, each pupil will receive a commemorative lanyard with an activity pack linked to ‘animals and their habitats’ from the Key Stage 2 National Curriculum.

A Claire House member of staff will accompany each class around the route, answering any questions pupils may have about Claire House.

On completion of the walk, pupils can gather in the concourse area to have their lunch and celebrate their achievement.

Arrival times will be staggered between 9:30am and 11am and last departure is 2pm.

If you have any accessibility needs in your class, please get in touch to discuss. The route is accessible, but has some inclines which may be more difficult for children with mobility issues. There is also a shorter alternative route if needed.

School dogs are welcome to attend.

Transport not included.

For further information on this event, please contact our fundraising team on 0151 343 0883 or fill in the form below.


Thursday 4th July 2024


Delamere Forest

Delamere, Northwich


Get directions